Suspicion of DWI: What to do if you’re pulled over
If a police officer has any reason to believe you’re driving under the influence of alcohol, it’s almost guaranteed that they’ll pull you to the side of the road to investigate. Should this happen, it’s critical that you know what you should and shouldn’t do. It’s the steps you take during your traffic stop that […]
How to set up a trust without ruining your kids
If you are like most parents, you want your money to go to your children after you die. It is your way of continuing to be there for them financially when you can’t be there physically. Setting up a trust may seem the logical thing to do, but do it wrong, and you could do more harm […]
Have you been bitten by a dog in New York State?
There are 4.7 million people a year bitten by dogs in the USA, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, 2019 statistics show there were only 17,802 insurance claims paid out for dog bites. So there is a large gap between the number of dogs biting people and the number of insurance payouts for […]
Yes, you can still get arrested for marijuana in New York
There has been a massive wave of legal changes regarding marijuana in New York. Given how laws have changed in recent years, some people are under the mistaken impression that unless they get caught selling it, they won’t get charged for any kind of marijuana-related offense. Despite the much more permissive social attitudes about marijuana, […]
Do you have a medical power of attorney?
Imagine that you came down with a serious illness and could not tell your doctors what type of treatment you wanted to try. Or, imagine that the same thing was true after a serious injury, perhaps in a car accident. Regardless of what happened, you can’t communicate. Now what should the doctors do? While they […]
What are common DWI defenses?
The majority of people are aware of the dangers associated with drinking and driving. Alcohol impairs your ability to operate a motor vehicle, while also increasing the risk of trouble with law enforcement. Even with knowledge of these risks, many people make the mistake of drinking and driving. If this happens to you and it […]
New York gets yellow rating for traffic safety laws
In 2014, the mayor of New York City launched an initiative designed to eliminate all traffic deaths on city streets. Since then, many other cities around the country have initiated similar programs. The effort to keep people safe on the street, however, may not always rely solely on local municipalities. State traffic laws play an […]
Why should I update my will?
While it is crucial that you have a will in place, it is equally important that you update will documents as necessary. There are many different circumstances that can directly impact your will, from bringing a new child home to getting a divorce. If you neglect to alter your will after a significant life event, the document […]
It may soon become harder to obtain SSDI benefits
Social Security Disability Insurance is often difficult to obtain, and it appears it may become even more so if a proposed new rule moves forward. The current presidential administration has proposed a new rule that, if passed, would impact about half of all people who apply for disability benefits. It would also narrow the eligibility […]
Alcohol’s affect on the body
Seeing flashing blue and red lights in your rearview mirror may send a shockwave of panic through your body. Regardless of the circumstances, getting pulled over by law enforcement is stressful and takes a real toll on reactions and responses. Consuming alcohol only makes this natural adrenaline-fueled response worse. If you had a couple of […]