When does a health care proxy become effective?
One of the best ways to prepare for the unexpected is to have a trusted friend or family member act as a health care proxy.
“Fatal Four”: Types of construction site accidents
Great heights, heavy machines and underground or roadside work zones all show inherent dangers in a construction site. Some occupations exposed to potential construction hazards
How much marijuana is legal in New York?
Over the past few years, many states have been changing their view on the use of marijuana. New York is among the many states that
Can a power of attorney authorize medical decisions?
A power of attorney is a legal document that authorizes an agent to make decisions on your behalf. Despite what the document’s name suggests, the
3 reasons field sobriety tests might not be accurate
Law enforcement officers frequently use field sobriety tests to determine whether a driver is driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. However, these tests
Who are at risk for fall injuries in New York?
Anyone can be at risk for a fall injury. Slippery floors at the grocery store and pathway obstructions at work could make you trip or
Common reasons for license revocation in New York
Some drivers brush off minor traffic violations, thinking that after paying the fines, they can just continue about their day. However, multiple traffic violations and
How do New York dog bite laws protect victims?
Dogs, especially domesticated ones, are generally harmless. Some people stop to take photos and even pet strangers’ dogs. But no matter how cute or friendly
Submitting medical records for SSD benefits
To qualify for SSD benefits, an individual must have a disability that prevents them from working and earning a living. In most cases, applying for