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Should you hire a real estate attorney?

As you prepare to purchase a property in New York, you may wonder how necessary it is to hire a real estate attorney. Collaborating with a legal professional can help you avoid costly mistakes that many homebuyers unintentionally make. Knowing some of the benefits of this decision may help you to confidently determine your next steps. […]

Steps involved in appealing a disability claim denial

If you initially receive a denial of your claim for Social Security Disability benefits, you should not give up. According to AARP, approximately 33% of workers who eventually receive benefits initially received denials. If you receive a denial of your disability claim, there is a process for appeals. The first step is a reconsideration. What are the […]

How a DWI can affect your college education

A conviction for driving while under the influence of alcohol comes with serious penalties. As a college student, you may wonder how such a conviction could impact your education. You should understand how driving while impaired could impact your academic career before you get behind the wheel. You will not lose your federal financial student […]

Who is responsible for your slip and fall incident on the ice?

As the winter months continue, the threat of ice and snow also grows and lingers. Though these weather conditions come with numerous potential risks, some of the biggest involve the risk of slipping on the ice. These slip and fall incidents can cause a lot of bodily harm, like broken bones or even brain trauma. […]

Can you protect your license after a DWI conviction?

Your driver’s license often represents much more to you than simply the ability to drive. It lets you live your life in the way you wish, letting you take road trips with families, pick up kids from school, attend your daily job, complete your chores and handle all of your medical needs. It allows you […]

Can my adult child get SSD on my account?

When you receive Social Security Disability benefits, it is possible for members of your family to also receive benefits on your account. However, it is usually only your spouse and minor children who have this right. The Social Security Administration explains if you have an adult child who became disabled before his or her 22 […]

Do you need to update a will?

After creating an estate plan, you may think that you do not need to look at these documents again. However, you should review your estate plan regularly to make sure it still reflects your current circumstances. You may need to reexamine an estate plan for practical reasons. U.S. News and World Report says that New […]

Suffered a head injury? You may qualify for Social Security Disability

When you can no longer work enough to support yourself due to a head or brain injury, something that you should consider is seeking Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. To seek these benefits, you will need to show that you cannot do the kind of work you did before you suffered the head injury. You will […]

How long does it take for broken bones to heal?

A fall, an accident at work or a car accident can break one or more of your bones. This can be a painful injury that makes it hard for you to do your daily activities or go to work. While you probably anticipate some kind of medical treatment to heal your injury, you might wonder […]

Did your DWI stop and arrest meet legal requirements?

Driving while intoxicated in New York is a crime that often includes fines and jail time. Depending on your history and the details of your case, you may lose driving privileges if convicted. However, a DWI arrest does not guarantee a conviction. According to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, drug and alcohol-related traffic […]