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Who are at risk for fall injuries in New York?

Anyone can be at risk for a fall injury. Slippery floors at the grocery store and pathway obstructions at work could make you trip or slip, leading to a collision with the ground. Unfortunately, the impact could leave serious injuries, depending on the circumstances. Aside from people with manual labor jobs, individuals with walking issues […]

Common reasons for license revocation in New York

Some drivers brush off minor traffic violations, thinking that after paying the fines, they can just continue about their day. However, multiple traffic violations and serious violations such as DWI can lead to license revocation. These are some of the usual grounds for the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to cancel one’s driver’s license permanently. […]

How do New York dog bite laws protect victims?

Dogs, especially domesticated ones, are generally harmless. Some people stop to take photos and even pet strangers’ dogs. But no matter how cute or friendly a dog seems, one can never anticipate how it will act, which can sometimes lead to bites. Dog bites can result in injuries, or worse, death. It is helpful for […]

Submitting medical records for SSD benefits

To qualify for SSD benefits, an individual must have a disability that prevents them from working and earning a living. In most cases, applying for these benefits is likely a new experience for most applicants. First-time applicants will have yet to learn what to expect from the process, and they might unintentionally undermine the importance of submitting […]

What happens during the SSD application process?

If you cannot work due to a disability, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits. The application process for Social Security Disability (SSD) can be complex and time-consuming, so it is important to understand what it entails before beginning. Here’s what you need to know about the SSD application process. Getting started […]

What does a supplemental needs trust do?

In estate planning, it is typical for individuals to consider multiple tools to ensure they are preparing the appropriate documents for their needs. If one of the grantor’s beneficiaries has a disability, one of the estate planning tools they consider is a supplemental needs trust (SNT). Understanding the trust The supplemental needs trust is an estate planning […]

5 safety tips for spring driving in New York

After a freezing winter, spring’s comforting warmth is more than welcome, as most of us have probably had enough of driving on New York’s icy roads. But don’t let your guard down. Driving in spring has its challenges, too. When hitting the streets this spring, be sure to keep these five tips in mind. Before […]

What happens if I decline the breathaylzer test during a DWI police stop?

You’re driving on State Route 36 when a flash of blue and red appears in your rear-view mirror. You pull over to the shoulder and the police car follows. The trooper asks if you have been drinking and wants you to take a roadside breath test to find out. Should you? Whether you take the […]

What qualifies as a hematological disorder?

You may picture certain conditions that qualify as disorders that merit Social Security Disability Insurance. Depression, Crohn’s disease and wheelchair-bound paralysis are all examples of conditions that SSDI considers. However, the human body is complex, and so are the conditions that may afflict it. One condition not often talked about is hematological disorders — blood-related conditions. Non-cancerous […]

Should your teen have a living will before attending college?

As a parent, you are proud to have raised a smart and well-rounded son or daughter. Now that your child’s high school graduation is on the horizon, you are probably busy finding the right college or university. Your teen probably has some work to do prior to moving into the dorms, though. Before your teen […]